Friday, 30 August 2013

Groundcover: Anemone

My other favourite is Anemone. It reseeds itself and can become quite invasive if you don't keep an eye on it. I don't know much about it, just that my father always grew them and I planted this one in his memory. I think it might be Snowdrop.
contributed by member Hazel MacMurchy
Editor's Note: I grow Anemone as well and it likes sun or shade. It is very reliable but finishes blooming early in the season. Luckily, the foliage is quite pretty on its own.

Birds in the Backyard

We have an exciting event coming up on September 12! Learn all about your backyard Birds with Trevor Harriot of CBC Birdline.

SHA Convention - September 27 & 28

Friday & Saturday, September 27-28, 2013  |  All Day Event
Westhill Park Baptist Church, 8025 Sherwood Dr. Regina, SK. (map)
Registration and Coffee 8:30am to 9am on Friday and Saturday

RHS is proud to be hosting the 2013 Saskatchewan Horticultural Association Convention.

The Intricacies of Saving Seeds by Jim Ternier
Tour of Government House
Prairie Gardens by Victor Cicansky and Bernie Zaharich
Growing Fruits Organically by Dean Kreutzer
Strategies for Growing Membership by Danielle Carrier

Lunch will be served both Friday and Saturday
Friday evening Banquet Refreshments and Socializing 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Banquet starts @ 6:30pm, entertainment to follow.

New this year: Mini Trade Show on site!

Fund Raising: Silent Auction items greatly appreciated.
We are also asking attendees to bring some perennials to sell.

For more information click here!

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Garden Festival !

Garden Festival information is updated on our website. Hours are: Friday, August 23, 9am - 9pm and Saturday, August 24, 9am - 4:30pm. We want to thank the Golden Mile Shopping Centre for their continued support of this event. Come on out, check out what grows here and let's get growing!

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Groundcover: Goutweed

Goutweed is often confused with Snow-in-Summer but there are big differences. For one, goutweed is very, very invasive. I do not recommend planting it where you cannot contain it. If you have a spot to contain it, it can be absolutely lovely and fill a lot of empty space really quickly. In addition, if kept out of our hot afternoon sun, it looks good all season as well.

Goutweed is a part shade plant. Leaves will burn and curl in very hot sun. It grows about 24" but does not sit up that high. Instead it kind of flops over into mounds of minty green and white.

The flowers are insignificant white, airy things that sit well above the leaves on thin stalks that shoot upward. It is best to cut these off before they go to seed because Goutweed will spread both by root and by seed and it spreads fast!

I grow it all along my drive edge at the lower level where it lives under the cover of a lot of trees. Only goutweed would do this well along this wall. I do have to ruthlessly pull it back from overtaking the drive about twice a year. The display is worth the effort.

Warning: Do not plant Goutweed in your garden proper unless you want only Goutweed growing within a year or two. It is difficult to get rid of once established.

contributed by member Danielle Carrier

Pictures are up!

Pictures are up from our 2013 RHS Bus Tour. You can see them in our gallery by clicking here!