Sunday 13 April 2014

Fertilizing Seedlings

If a little is good, more... is NOT better!

What you need to know about those little seedlings that you have been waiting to sprout:

When a seedling germinates and sprouts unfolding its' little green leaves, wait a bit to fertilize and start them growing. Those first leaves are cotyledons, all the nutrients needed  for germination are contained in the seed itself. Make sure to keep them from drying out!

When the second set of leaves appear, the "true" leaves, then you can transplant and fertilize. Use a dilute fertilizer mixture, as full strength will burn the tiny roots and your plant will die!
Use your fertilizer of choice be it granular or a liquid. Remember to take the recommended amount per litre/gallon and cut in half, then you can feed when you water. Most products are for feeding every 7-10 days (check the label). There are Eco friendly fertilizers available such as fish or seaweed. Get a descented brand if using in your home - you'll have all the neighbourhood cats at your door otherwise.

Most commercial growers use a feeding formula such as 20-20-20, they prefer 15-30-15. Transplant fertilzer 10-52-10, is available too, it will promote root growth. Its all up to your preference.

Remember the plant's roots need to breath so over watering is a no-no, and don't leave them standing in water for any length of time because just like us, they will drown!

Good luck! Enjoy, cuz' Spring is here!

originally published in the RHS April issue of Let's Get Growing!

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