Monday, 21 September 2015

Regina Horticultural Society - Call for Nominations

Regina Horticultural Society - Call for Nominations

The RHS’s AGM is coming up: Thursday, October 29, 2015 starting at 7pm. It is being held at the United Way Building, 1440 Scarth Street, Regina, Saskatchewan.

Election for positions on the Board of Directors is one of the features of the session. This year, positions up for election are as follows:

President: responsible for the oversight and supervision of the governance of the RHS.

Vice President:
responsible for backing-up the President in that person’s absence and for special projects that will further the effective administration and management of the RHS.

Secretary: responsible for recording and distributing records of meetings, managing mail and maintaining the official records of the RHS.

Membership: responsible for maintaining membership registration and records, and records of corporate sponsorship for the RHS, and for depositing related funds in a timely manner.

Food Services:
responsible for organizing and ensuring that refreshments are provided at educational events and special functions of the RHS.

responsible for developing and implementing the RHS’s annual education plan with topics and potential speakers. Also responsible for chairing the committee that implements the RHS grant program, Growing Roots in the Neighbourhood (GRIN).

responsible for the publicity required for RHS events, and for ensuring that members receive the necessary event information.

If you are interested in a position on your Board of Directors, please contact Jill at


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